

Men have a lower life expectancy and higher rate of suicide than women. As well as facing stigma when coming forward with issues such as domestic violence and mental illness. For this reason I’ll be marking International Men’s Day by posting some resources for men’s services.

https://www.thecalmzone.net/ – Men’s suicide awareness and support. Helpline: 0800585858

http://new.mankind.org.uk/ – Helpline for men suffering from domestic violence or abuse 01823 334244 

http://www.theeatonfoundation.org.uk/ – Local support for men in East Staffordshire

http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Cancer-of-the-testicle/Pages/Introduction.aspx – Fact page for testicular cancer.

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/jonny-benjamin/men-mental-health-_b_8461684.html – Huffington Post’s article on the importance of men showing emotion.

And an extra reminder that if you are experiencing any physical symptoms of illness (chest pain, coughing, stress, etc.), please go to the doctors. You are important. It is okay to get help. The doctor is there to help you stay fit and healthy.

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