Blizzard: Okay, this expansion is called The Burning Crusade, but we will refer to it as Crusade.
Players: Did you say TBC?
Blizzad: This expac is called Wrath of the Lich King, but will be referred to as Wrath.
Players: I think they said WotLK…
Blizzard: The third expansion is Cataclysm! You can’t call it any other name now!
Players: It’s definately Cata.
Blizzard: Okay, guys, listen, this expac is called Mists of Pandaria, BUT IT’s MISTS–
Players: MoP, MoP, Mop. Pandaland?
Blizzard: Next is Warlords of Draenor, but please, just call it–
Players: Call it WoD? Sure thing!
Blizzard: Next expac is Legion.
Players: …
Players: Uhm…Leg? Legi? Ugh…
Players: Damn, you win this time.