So, I’m still getting messages of people claiming they have found nudes of me


This time on 4chan. Which is impossible, as such pictures do not even exist ^^’‘

Someone sent me a link to the 4chan thread but I’m just met with a 404 not found, so I guess it is already taken down, which actually, to be honest, suits me just fine ^^’‘

So please, if the person doing this to me is reading this. Please stop.

No such pictures exist, and you are wasting your time ^^’‘ If you have some sort of personal problem with me, I would be more than happy to talk it out privately, if you would step forward. I just want this to stop, so i can go back to doing what I love, drawing ponies, without worrying about icky messages in my inbox ^^’‘

Sorry to see that you’re still having to deal with this crap.

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