Emily Brundige’s Apology re Horn Sweet Horn [updated] (with tweets) · creatrixtiara
Horn Sweet Horn was an episode of the Powerpuff Girls that was marketed as addressing gender identity. However, the episode turned out to be very transphobic in its execution.
I tracked down the staff responsible for the episode on Twitter to ask them about it. I got a response from Emily Brundige, who was responsible for the story:
So in other words, the episode actually WASN’T a transgender metaphor, but whoever was in charge of marketing advertised it as such to give it more attention.
Absolutely fucking outstanding! Not even Teen Titans Go stooped this low!
I mean as glad as I am it’s not because if it were it’d be a pretty big slap in the face to trans people, but holy shit that’s just scumbag material of the higherst (lowest?) Caliber.
Goddamn CN, get your shit together.
There’s screwing up, then there’s screwing up.
@jitterbugjive @bugeyedfreaks this may be of interest?