I don’t mean to seem rude or anything, but if you’re worried about making money, get a part-time job. You’ll still have time to do art, but you won’t need to worry about rent.


Ok, I should make clear that I’m well off. I don’t pay rent, I live with my dad and he pays for my education.

But all other expenses I have to pay on my own. Car maintenance, gas, going out, parking-meters, video games, my PC, etc. That’s mostly why I do commissions and am planning to open a Patreon.

I don’t really “need” money to survive, but a lot of artists do and that’s why I reblogged that.

BUT why should they get a part time job, when they can make what they like doing and making money form it?

You don’t like art not being free? Tough luck, pal. I don’t like paying for my coffee at college, but I don’t go around the campus demanding it to be free.

Things cost time and money to get made and it’s just fair that people charge for it. You all should be thankful that we post our art for free on these blogs and not on a subscription based webpage or something.

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