
I remember (about 4 years ago) I was taking pictures with kids during a furry convention, and someone lit the tail of my fursuit on fire.  I wasn’t doing anything perverted, I was dressed as a character from Redwall.  Kids wanted pictures with me so I did so.

I was lit on fire.  For just being in costume.

Now imagine if I went to a cosplayer in a sailor moon outfit, and lit her wig on fire while she was wearing it.  You’d call me a raunchy piece of shit.

Why is it ANY different with fursuiting.  That is a human being in those costumes.  That spent a LOT of money on their suits.  That’s a good amount of investment.  Regardless of whether or not you hate furries or fursuits, you don’t ruin someone’s property, and you don’t try to burn someone fucking alive.