Microsoft’s director installing Google Chrome in the middle of a presentation because Edge did not work [x]
Month: October 2017
“You’re getting excited about a video game?”
yeah, sometimes it’s nice to enjoy things
Medieval Fantasy City Generator by watabou
Medieval Fantasy City Generator by watabou
Some example maps for folks to see
theres several other palettes and style options, options for adding and removing elements, and a separate site hosting this generator as well, where you can edit the size and seed in the address bar
One for the “what in the actual hell”
Been trying to pin down the taste.
Its similar to these.

I remember someone posting a pic of that in a telegram chat I’m in and the reaction from three of us was “OH NO, IT’S BACK???” because Coca Cola Blak was a non-diet version of that like 8 or 9 years ago.
Really? Interesting
I don’t think that ever made it to Australia.
One for the “what in the actual hell”