me: hey can you please not remove comments from my art posts
tumrbl: good news now you can remove all previous comments on a post with the touch of a button
me: great, fuc kin g fantastic. thanks. i hate all ofyou
Month: July 2015
I’ve been meaning to send you some Australian teas for a while, but held off since I knew I’d be able to see you at bronycon. I picked up a few yesterday (posted a picture to my Brony-chef-rei blog). Hopefully you’ll like them.
Who are three tumblr users that you associate me with?
Do this I wanna know
did nobody listen? a pic of your waifu does not go on your raifu.
My waifu reminds me of what I’m fighting for.
why would you bastardize a p90 like that
and why does the popsicle have to be chocolate-covered
it’s cream flavored
That’s a chocolate covered banana you plebs
“a pic of your waifu does not go on your raifu.”
ok, that made me laugh..
For those of you who downloaded the new Xkit, they just updated with an extension called Editable Reblogs, which restores the ability to cut posts!!
Pass this around so people know !
Praise NeXkit