First we had Rickrolling.
Then we had reverse Rickrolling, where you trick people into thinking they’re about to be Rickrolled, but it’s really something else.
Then we had post-reverse Rickrolling, where you set up what looks like a reverse Rickroll, and folks are pleasantly surprised to find that no, it’s actually just a Rickroll.
What’s next?
A compilation of further variants from the asks, tags and notes:
The Wrongroll: Tricking someone into watching the video component of “Never Gonna Give You Up”, accompanied by different and wildly inappropriate audio (e.g., Rick Astley performs “Down With the Sickness”).
The Teamroll: Making a post that looks like it’s going to be a Rickroll, but isn’t, then having an accomplice post a comment that contains the actual Rickroll.
The Bait-and-Switchroll: Posting a different obnoxious meme (e.g., “JOHN CENA”), which is interrupted by or segues into a conventional Rickroll (e.g., you have now been Rickrolled by John Cena).
The Interrupted Rickroll: The reverse of the preceding entry; it starts out as a Rickroll, which is interrupted by or segues into a different obnoxious meme.
The Counter-Post-Reverse Rickroll: Tricking someone into thinking you’re trying to trick them into believing they’re about to be Rickrolled, then reverse Rickrolling them anyway. (Extended variants of this type are omitted for brevity.)
The Pseudoroll: Linking to a different song by Rick Astley.