So they added a new “digital adult content” drop-down item to select in your Paypal business options but when you choose it your account will immediately be closed down. Just letting everyone know so they don’t get tricked! Even though this is a selectable item IT IS STILL ILLEGAL AND AGAINST PAYPAL POLICY TO SELL “SEXUALLY ORIENTED MATERIALS OR SERVICES”
i take shit i see on tumblr/twitter with a grain of salt – but just in case this is real, here you go.
Real or not, better safe than sorry, my fellow artists out there
This post smells like bullshit
Edit: OK, the option is legit. It’s under entertainment and media.
I’m still sceptical of a lot of claims made here however. Why would an option like that be added if you aren’t supposed to be allowed to choose it (no, I don’t buy the “honeypot” excuse.) Something is missing here IMO