These quotes are all from the same campaign, with the dwarf in question being the summoner with the “rockin’ awesome ginger beard” from a previous story. Some may be paraphrased.
Dwarf: “I open the door.”
DM: “Okay, you–”
Dwarf: “With my beard.”
DM: “–break your jaw.”
Dwarf: “What stats does my beard get, anyways?”
DM: “You can’t stat your beard out as a separate character!”
Dwarf: “…are you sure?”
Dwarf: “If I summon an owl fast enough, does it count as a throwing weapon?”
DM: *solely because he won’t stop asking* “…I’m going to regret this, but yes.”
Dwarf: “If I give him a pointy helmet, does he do piercing damage?”
DM: *regretting*
Dwarf: “I call upon divine intervention to make the suicidal paladin immortal!”
Dwarf, to tiny-size mage: “Hey, I bet you’re small enough to ride my owl!”
Rogue: “You hippogryph’d an entire town!?”
Dwarf: “It was an accident.”