




~the secret is, get born rich!~ I did it and you can too!!!! -that article. 

what the actual fuck that’s like 2 ½ months rent for me who the fuck thinks that’s a ‘super low budget’???

I’m disabled and that’s like a month and half’s worth of my SSD pay.

How rich to have to be in order to treat a $1500 vacation as a “steal”? that you just drop everything and pony up the money for on a whim?

It’s a trip to Italy they’re talking about in the article apparently.

I don’t know about you. but $1500, regularly, couldn’t even cover the flights.

Let alone hotel and transport for 2 weeks

That deal is a fucking bargain. Could most people just drop that much on a whim? no. but then, the point is the regular cost is much higher.

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