

Please help save our Cookie

Hi all. I hate to do this, but I’ve done all I can to earn money via commissions and work, and it’s just not enough for what’s happening right now.

As some of you may know, we already have one cat with chronic conditions – my girl Lulu, who has thyroid issues – and now her sister Cookie is in very poor shape. 

About a week ago, her appetite started reducing, and she became less active than usual. By this past weekend, she had stopped eating entirely, and was unable to even keep down water. We rushed her to the vet as early as we could on Monday and she was subjected to a battery of tests.

The results aren’t good – something is wrong with her liver. We can’t be 100% sure exactly what, since we cannot afford further testing (see the ultrasound quote in the images above) especially after spending nearly $400 to get this far. But, one of her liver levels is supposed to be around 5, and it’s reading at 39. She’s lost over 2 pounds in only a week. The situation is severe.

We’re going to assume the most likely culprit – infection and inflammation of the liver, pancreas, and stomach – and move forward with treatment… and that’s where I need your help. We currently have less than $3 in the bank. Cookie needs two kinds of antibiotic, an anti-nauseant, special food, and pain meds, and she needs them immediately.

Please, if you can spare any amount, donate to via Paypal.

If you cannot donate, I understand, but please reblog to help spread the word, we need all the help we can get.

Thank you.


As of today, March 8, two donations have been received, totaling ~$75.

Had to borrow money from my Dad to pay for Cookie’s medicine & special food today, to the tune of another $120 (which is actually less than I was expecting, but still more than I could afford!)

Cookie has now received her first round of meds and we’re waiting to see what happens.

I am very grateful to everyone who’s pitched in or signal boosted so far, and I just wanted to update y’all on the situation. Cookie has her meds – but hubby and I are now greatly indebted to others and need to pay them back, so any further help would be super appreciated.

Thank you all so much!

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