“” by @godworksout on Instagram http://ift.tt/1sHtVjp
Because faith healing isn’t even a legit thing among us. Those guys are conmen.
Don’t a lot of Christian groups consider faith healers heretics and false prophets?
Everyone I know thinks Benny Hinn is a fraud. The rest of the people like that don’t come up because they’re not as popular.
Then there was Peter Popoff My fave. Here is a fun link to show what a trashy douche he is http://www.bible.ca/tongues-popoff-39-17Mhz.htm, http://www.christianpost.com/news/controversial-televangelist-peter-popoff-hawks-miracle-water-93290/
after all his fraud was exposed people still give him money too, he’s goin to the special hell
Notice both are “Christian sources” So ya as you know Christians, at a minimum, don’t like them.
Straut Ashens did a video reading one of Pop-offs spam letters he received and it wound up being a rant about how disgusting taking advantage of people’s faith and religion to scam them is.
That popoff guy is listed on an official scam watch site here (that’s run by the state government)