The only way to log out is to beat the game. And if you die in the game you die for real.
Dragon age sweet!
Dark Souls 3. I’m so fucked.
Diablo 3
Evil Within
I last played Tilt Brush. Which is a VR game? Um.
Fallout 4 Survival Mode….I have the Deliverer, tons of 10mm ammo and food to last me for a good while.
I end up with a lot of burns on my avatar cause I spend way too much time fuckin around with fire types.Uncharted 4. So unless I’m Drake, Sam, or Sully I’m probably okay. Actually, can I be Elena?
Undertale…too bad it was a genocide run. I am so fucked.
Let’s see. I get a robot companion voiced by Nolan north, and I have to contest with either space pirates, space zombies, space robots, space rhinos, or space neo-zombies.
Destiny is quite a game…
Doom… Well I am severely fucked.
A fully immersive VR of Phantasy Star Portable 2?
Holy shit that’s awesome
Last game was pokemon…alright then
^^ I played Royal kiss! So I’m good, I’m surrounded by princes
Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse….. crap.
Animal Crossing. I can’t die but also the game can’t be beaten so I’m trapped forever.
well, shit..